Thursday, October 14, 2010


It has been a long time since I posted!   The past 2 months have been a whirlwind of activity!!   I went to see Dr Pippas at JBACC in late August.  He did several more tests and scans before we decided on my treatment.  One of the tests he had done was as OncoType Dx test.  It basically looks at everything about your tumor and assigns a number to it, the lower the number the better.  The number lets the doctor know how receptive each individual person would be to chemotherapy and what the chance of recurrance would be.  My score was a 13, very low.  Usually anything higher that 18 or 19 and chemo is a given.  Because my number was so low we had a choice on whether or not to do chemo.  Dr Pippas recommended 4 rounds of chemo and I agreed.  I don't want to look back at any time and wish that I had done it.  I want to do everything I can to make sure this doesn't come back.

Everything from diagnosis until now has not been as bad as expected.  God is Wonderful!

I had my first round of chemo on 9/16/10.  Ronnie and mom went to treatment with me.  I mostly felt really tired and then days 4 -6 knocked me out!!  I just wanted to sleep.  Each day after that got a little better and I was able to work most of the week.  I missed my first Neulasta shot due to a mix up with my insurance.  Neulasta boosts White Blood Count.  My blood counts were a little low but were back up in time for chemo again on 10/07/10.  I have felt about the same as last time but more stomach issues.  Had to leave work early today because I was feeling so bad.  Now just feeling very weak and walking like a 90 year old woman!   

My hair started coming out about 10 days after my first treatment.  I had to start wearing a wig about 2 weeks after treatment and had my head shaved a few days later.  Having my head shaved was not bad at all.  Mom went with me and we were prepared to cry but we spent so much time trying to figure out how the camera on my new phone worked that Tommy was done with my hair without me even knowing.  He told me I had a cute peanut head!  I like my wig but also have a few hats that I really like!  I never thought I would wear just a hat but that is what I have been most comfortable with.  I have been outside at home several time with nothing on my head.  I actually forget there is nothing there until a neighbor waves at me and then I realize I am standing outside bald headed!!  Oh well!

Keep praying!
